Dream it. Do it.

JR wrote in his most recent 1-to-One, “Vision without action is just fantasy. And action that lacks vision only passes the time. But vision with action will change the world.”

Wow…what amazing insight. You could teach an entire seminar on that one concept. Even though most of us understand what it takes to be successful already, when it is spelled out so straightforward, the close relationship between inspiration and motivation has incredible power behind it. The best part is that same power (able to change the world) is available to you and me — all it takes is imagination and effort.

Elizabeth Weber not only realized her dreams could be reached, but she went after them with a vengeance. She recognized opportunity and did what it took to capitalize on it. In her own words, she explained it like this: “The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do. Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.”

It is very important to take the time to define what you want out of life — everything from your personal goals to your wildest dreams. Once you figure that out, you are left with a choice that only you can make. Either you decide to continue ‘getting by’ or in my opinion, merely existing — OR — you make up your mind to follow your dreams no matter how much time it takes, how much work is required, or how many times you fall in your journey. We all have time! Work has never killed anybody! And it doesn’t matter that you fell, but that you got back up!

I will make you a promise right now. If you can dream and if you can do, YOU CAN MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE.

So my question to you is rather simple. What inspires you to dream; to hold onto the belief that one day your deepest desires could come true? And, what motivates you to never give up on them?
