Untethered Executive – Loren Ridinger on Forbes

Market America's Loren Ridinger

In the past, it may have taken millions of dollars to create a brand, but in today’s society you can do it all on the Internet with a laptop and a Blackberry.

~Loren Ridinger

Market America’s rise over the past few years to become one of the premier online retailers, has been nothing short of remarkable. A lot of the credit goes to Senior Vice President, Loren Ridinger, who has been instrumental in this rise, as she works tirelessly to bring on new partners and to work-out deals to help keep Market America at the forefront of online shopping.

Recently, Loren Ridinger was featured in the Forbes.com publication, Insights, where she talked about embracing the non-text web and also what it is like being an ‘Untethered Executive.’

Take a moment to read both pieces from Forbes featuring Loren Ridinger.

Congratulations Loren Ridinger!

If you would like to connect with Loren Ridinger, you can follow her on Twitter or connect on Facebook.
