Dream Big, Then Make It Happen

Happy New Year! 2011 will mark the billion-dollar roll for Market America. Do you want to get on board, or go along for the ride?

I love when New Year’s falls on Saturday because it extends the downtime for three days and gives you some time to celebrate, recover and then reflect and think. I waited until now to send this message to you, hoping that you would enjoy the holiday and possibly do something for yourself.

First, this can be the historic year for you – the year that you break free, the year that you will remember for the rest of your life. You can make it happen. Or, 2011 can be just another passing, wasted year in which you are controlled by circumstances. The key to choosing success is thinking, planning, accepting and taking little action steps.

I really do not know why people make such a big deal about the countdown and celebration, except to have fun. New Year’s is really just another day when you think about it. However, it is a useful time marker to measure, monitor, adjust and control our lives. Life is a journey not a destination, but it makes the trip better if you know where you have been, where you are and where you are going. Time is the great equalizer in life. We all have the same number of minutes in an hour, hours in a day, days in a week, and weeks in a year. So, fundamentally, the difference between many of us is what we do with this time. To a large extent, we can make decisions that will give us some control over our use of that time. We may not have control over the number of years we have, but you certainly want to make every moment count. We also know we can extend the number of years we have through healthy living, exercise, lowering stress and supplementing with nutritional supplements. That being said, it all comes down to my speech on what you are doing with the dash. If you have never heard my presentation on this, or if you don’t know what it refers to, you might want to check out the 45-Year Plan Hamster Wheel video so that you don’t spend your dash working for someone else’s future. What are you doing with the dash? What did you do last year, and do you even know what you will do next year?

There are certain things that I think over every year, religiously. I feel that devoting my time to these things is the most important thing I can do because it is my life, my dash and my time. It doesn’t take much time. It takes some focus, reflection and thinking.

  1. What did I like or not like in the last year? What were the high points and low points? What did I learn, and what do I want to change? And finally, how did the world change in the last year? How might that change be significant in propelling what I am doing? How might it obstruct my progress? What can I do to compensate for this?
  2. Review of my goals from the last year. What was completed? What did I make progress on? What was not completed? What did I not even start? What changed over the year that changed the importance or relevancy of things I listed last year?
  3. What is my dream? What is my custom-made life that I want to manifest going forward? If you can think it, it is possible. If you don’t think it, it will not happen. Everything begins with a thought. Dream big because you will never be bigger than your dreams! The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The reason most people are where they are is that they never thought beyond their situation and are trapped or limited by their thinking.
  4. What do I really want to see happen in the coming year? What is really important? What will make the biggest difference and most progress on the journey? I need to commit those objectives, goals and milestones to writing. If you can’t identify them, write them and define them, it won’t happen and you are leaving your future year up to circumstances. It is your choice.
  5. If you get this far, you have done well and are going to do the rest over the next week. If you are motivated by your progress, begin the final and most important step in translating your dreams or goals into reality. Create the stair step or ladder to your goals that allows your logical and conscious mind to accept that the goal as possible. Acceptance is magic because it draws on the universe through the law of attraction to create or attract the circumstances, people, events, or ideas that will help materialize the goal or dream. If you don’t believe it, it will never happen. Believe it or try it and you will discover the secret.

So here it is in a nutshell:

Figure out what needs to be accomplished to realize the dream. For a Pin Level, for example, figure out how many legs, how many centers qualifying, how many people need to become UFOs with how many customers, and who needs to hit what Pin Level in each leg. How many people do you need to put in the funnel and bean jar to accomplish the numbers needed to hit the goal? Review the process of the funnel and bean jar, as it applies to every business or goal. If you do not know it, click here to see my video presentation on filling the bean jar. Once you quantify or break down your goal into what you must do, divide by 12 to figure out what you need to do each month. Then, determine what you need to achieve in result-producing activities or production goals weekly to hit the monthly goal by dividing by 4. Then, do the same for the daily unit by quantifying the result-producing activities or production goal for a week and divide by 7. If you can do the daily goal, which is bite-sized, you will automatically hit the weekly goal, which adds up to the monthly goal and that, in turn, adds up to the annual dream! Life by the yard is hard, but by the inch is succinct. I could go on, but there is no need to. If you get to this point, you are on your way. Contact me. I will give you counseling on how to navigate to the goal and adjust as you go.

Here is the bottom line. I did this and do this. Everyone I meet who succeeds does it too in some form or another.

Congratulations! If you got to here, you can make it happen. I can’t believe I wrote this on New Year’s Day, but if you read it, it made it all worth it. I want to hear your success story.

Keep Growing,


JR Ridinger


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