Transitions and Executive Director Life

Well I have to tell you I’m coming off an unbelievable high from this past weekend. We just did our first newly formatted Transitions Certification Training and WOW! We had over 300 in attendance and an all-star cast of trainers like Kristie Leigh, Nancy Miller-Ihli and Vicki Whited – with Dennis Franks as a special guest. The emails have been flooding in with comments like this one: “WOW! Is the simple comment for the Transitions training this past weekend! I have come to expect nothing less than spectacular for MA events and the Annapolis training presented by highly credentialed professionals was no exception. It was stellar!!”

The certification was in Annapolis Maryland and the schedule was jammed packed; we started Friday evening at 6:00PM, had a full 8 hours of training on Saturday, a networking social Saturday night and started all over again on a Sunday that didn’t end until 4:00PM. Between talking and answering questions of those attending the training and the adrenaline high, the only way I was able to keep up that kind of pace and energy level is by following the Transitions Lifestyle. With a busy schedule like that, the Transitions bars are such a big help with maintaining my blood sugar levels so my brain continued to function at full capacity.

Honestly I just took everything in on Monday – reviewed materials and answered emails, and caught up on my rest. But today I was back on track, starting bright and early at 9:00AM this morning. LOL!!! I know, I know – 9:00AM to some of you is not bright and early; the day is half over. Cut me some slack! We put in double time this past weekend. Even with the late start, I seemed to be very productive today. Started with my normal 3 scoops of Complete Greens, a shot of Isotonix B-complex, 16 ounces of water, 2 Immune and watched a little of the Today Show. Thirty minutes later, I took my Transitions Thyroid Support and Prevaderm, and then proceeded to get ready for the gym. I usually check my emails before the gym in the morning, but I was eager to work out since I missed 4 days last week because of the certification.

So I got ready and had breakfast: a 4 oz. egg white omelet with asparagus, two slices of turkey bacon, fresh sliced tomatoes and finished it up with a Transitions Chocolate Shake. I don’t use milk to make my shake – don’t like it – but I do use a lot of ice, a little water and two table spoons of instant coffee- just like a Frappacino without the guilt.

Headed off to the gym with my iPod; today was just a cardio and core day. Did 30 minutes on the Cybex Arch trainer with resistance at 90 and an incline of 5 – love that machine! It works the whole body, but you can get great shape for your glute and hamstrings. I listen to my iPod when I work out and last week I downloaded all the audios from Leadership, so today I listened to KB’s Just Push Play. KB is great, but there is nothing like Joan Jett’s “Bad Reputation” to get you started. Finished my cardio on the treadmill – speed at 2.5 with an incline of 5 for 30 minutes – and after that jumped over to the Medx Torso machine: 3 sets of 25 on each side, and then did my stretching on the Precor stretching trainer. Today was totally machine dependent, but tomorrow will be a different day. Wednesday will be a “legs day” and I will do all functional using my body weight with a little free weights and a lot of reps. A good legs workout for me usually means about two hours at the gym, because I always finish with walking on the treadmill. After my workout today, I took two of the HeartHealth Omega 3s, one cap of Resveratrol and drank 20 oz of water. Tomorrow will definitely be a Torch day.

On the ride home from the gym I started returning calls – first to Becky Robinson; she is a National Supervising Coordinator in our group who also attended the training this past weekend and had some questions about it. Then Big Al – he has this new guy Toby who is also in our group and was at the certification training. Toby has a friend who has an “in” at a chain of gyms, so we are going to present the whole Transitions program to them. This could be way huge for Toby right out of the gate!

Once I hit home, I took two Transitions Fat Conversions, continued with emails and called Libby Tilton. Libby is a Certified Coach who I will be working with in Texas; she has sixteen Distributors in her group who will be focusing on Transitions with us for the next 90 days. They are all getting ready for my arrival next week. I had to go over all of their 90-day goal statement/action plans and then tomorrow Libby and I are going to discuss, measure and adjust. Next week will be a busy week with Libby in Texas: we have a Transitions Coring one night, Transitions appointments throughout the each day, Transitions Business Plan at night and, on the last day, a Transitions basic building training with her personal group.

Hungry- but had to read through the action plans, so I ate a Transitions Peanut Bar, a handful of almonds with another Thyroid support and 20 oz of water. There is so much going on – we have our Baltimore Local Seminar this Saturday, getting Transitions materials ready for Regions 2 and 6, making a audio for Transitions that expands on what Dennis and I were talking about on stage at Leadership (“Talking in Themes”) and then Certified Coaches are blowing the roof off Transitions!

In the midst of things, I realized that Billy failed to maintain the toilet paper supply. Ugh! Going out to buy toilet paper is not one of my favorite things to do nor is it very productive. saves me from the pain of ordinary shopping needs, but what I like most about (besides IBV) is the FREE shipping! So I just ordered everything: toilet paper, paper towels, garbage bags, fabric softener, deodorant and more. Billy: pay attention to the toilet paper…

Time for some more Complete Greens, B-complex and 24 oz. of plain Ultimate Aloe – just a little pick-me-up – with some more almonds, an apple and a few stalks of celery. I wanted to grab things that were quick and easy so that I could keep working. Had a few chats via email with Certified Coaches Kim Doyle and Raquel Detullio and wrapped the finals on an article that you all will see in the near future.

Around 6:00PM, Buddie (my 14-year-old Dalmatian) was telling me it was time for dinner and I agreed. Buddie’s dinner was a scoop of his prescription dog food with 1 scoop of Pet Health, 1 scoop of Complete Greens and some grilled celery to mix in two Glucosatrin. Yes, that’s right; he follows the Transitions Lifestyle too! Dinner for me was yummy – I made roasted chicken breast seasoned with lemon pepper and fresh garlic. Drizzled olive oil, cracked black pepper and dried Italian season on fresh broccoli, asparagus (love it), green beans, half sliced green bell pepper and red onion and then grilled them. Made some gluten-free pasta and, while the chicken was roasting, I put 3 tomatoes in with it. Once it was done I mixed a little olive oil, fresh garlic, basil and the tomatoes with the pasta. Dinner was way good.

I finished up my night with just a few emails, a peach for a snack and some more Ultimate Aloe. Right before I go to bed: 2 more HearthHealth Omegas and 3 Transitions Anti-Stress. The Anti-Stress really helps me sleep through the night. As I go through writing in my Transitions Journal I realized that I really should have eaten more today, but what I did eat was quality food so tomorrow I will pay better attention. I love Transitions and I love being an Executive Director.

Yours in Health,
Lydia Martinez
