JR’s Thought Experiment

Nobody likes to think about extinction. Or death. Or companies failing.

Scary, right?

But here’s the part that doesn’t get touched on enough: Horse & buggies got replaced by cars. What if horse & buggy manufacturers had gotten bailed out? Oil lamps gave way to electricity. What if lamp makers had been well-heeled & able to squash this new wired technology? (burn, baby, burn?) (soot, baby, soot?)

The fact is, when something (unfortunately) goes away, it often (happily) gets replaced by something better. So don’t be afraid. It’s definitely unstable and may seem frightening, but it actually is the natural order of things. Nobody ever said life wouldn’t be turbulent.

The greatest part of JR is that even though he has an astute political and economic mind, he actually transcends politics. In one moment, you think: “Aha! He’s a republican – he hates paying taxes!” But then he spends 20 minutes talking about caring for our neighbors – succeeding by helping others to succeed – that would make even the most bleeding-heart liberal jump up and applaud. With JR, it’s not about red states and blue states. It’s about the United States. (sound familiar?) And Taiwan. And Hong Kong. And Australia. And the entire world. It’s about lifting yourself up out of the hole, and then making sure to take a few people with you.

I’m tempted not to write anymore, because I really can’t do the man justice. But his message, in a nutshell, is that nobody can save us but ourselves. Government can’t do it, and greed can’t do it. We, a collective of individual entrepreneurs, can succeed where institutions have failed.

And change happens; you can’t stop it, so you may as well figure out how to capitalize on it. The key is an entrepreneurial mindset. The path is to personal economic freedom.

Let’s get to it.
