Magic Moment.

To close World Conference 2009, JR assembled the larger management team, advisory council & longtime colleagues. While they may possess a shared dedication to hard work and an entrepreneurial spirit, it’s the abiding sense of teamwork and camaraderie that keep them together. That’s my take, at least.

Folks, we’ve had a wild, packed weekend – general sessions all day, focused breakouts all night. And there’s still a bit more to come before attendees head to Nikki Beach – the spanish coring at the Hilton & a WebCenter breakout – but otherwise, it’s time to have fun. But don’t read too much into that – if you think Miami & World Conference is vacation time, get ready for a rude awakening. This has been a once-a-year chance for folks to come down for a little winter sun, and learn their major(s) in great detail from the field leaders and corporate folks who know them best.

Be safe in your travels ~ we’re signing off for now.
