Preparing your business for explosive growth in 2011

You cannot lead where you will not go, you cannot teach what you do not know.

JR Ridinger

Such powerful words from a true visionary.  Think about it, whenever we want to know something, who do we seek out? Others who are leading the pack or are influential power players in their respective fields.

With the 2011 ma® International Convention around the corner, take a moment and ask yourself the following question, “Am I doing everything I should be doing to help grow my business?”

While some people are content to go through the motions; as entrepreneurs, we are not content to sit on the sidelines. Instead, we’re the one’s who seek out new opportunities. One important facet to this is staying on the cutting edge. How do we do this? By attending events and learning our craft, our business so that we become an expert at it.

As JR mentions, if we do not know something or do not attend events, how can we teach others to do the same? Take a moment and watch the following video and be sure and share it with your team. Remember, if you are sitting on the sidelines, you’re limiting yourself. You need to experience it firsthand, so that you can then share that experience with others.

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To learn more about upcoming events at Market America, please visit the Market America Events website.
