Get Moving In May with National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

National Physical Fitness and Sports Month –THIS month, for those who may not know–highlights the highly important role that exercise plays in our health, wellness, appearance and outlook. Participation in sports strengthens not only body and mind, but also community and friendship.

Physical fitness–that is, regular exercise AND nutritious eating, practiced together, in balance–is truly irreplaceable; it forms the very cornerstone of health. Regular exercise and a balanced diet reduces the risk of major afflictions like diabetes and heart disease, as well as offsetting the epidemic of childhood and adult obesity that has struck the nation.

This month, make the effort to integrate a little more activity into your life. It is well worth it. Regulars exercisers enjoy not only better health and appearance, but also more energy and focus, greater self-esteem and positivity, and increased confidence and success.

Exercise represents not only a safe bet, but a sure thing; it is the one trump card that we all hold, that we can play at any time, and, best of all, that we can play more than once! Walk, run, bike, climb, swim, push, pull press…take your pick; you’ll be glad you did.

This month, it’s time to get in the game — get out and get moving!
