ma Mobile featured in Internet Retailer

Market America upgrades ma Mobile app, adds backcode scanning

For anyone looking to curb their gas budget, Market America recently updated their ma® Mobile application for Google Android and Apple iPhone users. Already boasting 35 million products and a cashback program that rewards you with up to 50% cashback on qualifying purchases, this new mobile application adds in a neat little twist though – barcode scanning.

Now, anytime you’re out at your favorite retailer, you can simply launch the app and scan products to compare them with those offered from Market America. In addition, you can compare products against other retailers to see who has the best deal.

Recently, ma Mobile was also featured in Internet Retailer magazine. Click here to read what they had to say about our latest app.

For anyone needing help with using these new features, we’ve put together a couple of video tutorials below.

How to use the barcode scanner for ma Mobile – Google Android


How to use the barcode scanner for ma Mobile – Apple iPhone

