ShopBox Now Available for your personal Facebook Profile

shopBoxlogoAs announced last week at the 19th Annual Market America International Convention, the social shopping revolution has begun and Market America placing itself at the forefront of this movement. We are excited to announce the launch of ShopBox, a new way to combine social networking and shopping at the click of a button. ShopBox has already appeared on thousands of Facebook news feeds exposing Market America and its amazing products to hundreds of thousands of people.

There have been many questions with regards to functionality on Facebook and if this new technology would work on Facebook Profiles, pages or both. Currently ShopBox will only work with your personal Facebook Profile pages. Our development team is team is currently working on a solution to extend this functionality to Fan/Business Pages at a later date.

Also, since the program was created with Flash, there have been some issues ShopBox working properly on mobile devices that run on Flash, including the iPhone or iPad. We apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused and are working toward trying to make this available to all mobile devices in the future.

Please follow the MA Blog as well as the Market America Facebook and Twitter pages for future announcements and updates on this exciting new technology.