5 Questions with Renee Stevens

renee“It’s a great day at Market America. How may I help you?” If you have called Market America, you’ve heard Renee Stevens’ voice. From behind her desk in the Market America lobby, Stevens has handled the phone calls along with greeting visitors and employees for 14 years. So we gotta ask:

Q. You seem to know the name of everyone that works here. How do you remember them all?

A. I see each employee on their first day of employment. If I miss a new employee on their first day I have them come back and meet me! We are a family, and it is essential that we know each other!

Q. Okay, so how about all of our phone extensions. Have you memorized those?

A. I have memorized almost all extension numbers due to repetition. The last 100 I cheat and use my phone directory!

Q. And have you ever counted how many phone calls you take in a day?

A. I have absolutely no idea. I once tried to count and gave up.

Q. Market America has helped animal rescue and adoption agencies since its beginning. Can you tell me about the first animal that you’ve rescued or adopted?

A. Yes, my first rescue was a tiny solid black kitten from Red Dog Rescue. He was found on the side of the highway! He is now 6 years old and as round as he is tall. His name is Samson, but he goes by “Kitty Kitty”. He is actually a cat/dog. He was raised by his sister, a small mixed breed dog named Sachs.

Q. Last question, What has been your most rewarding experience working at Market America?

A. There are so many! I have been with the company for 14 years. My most rewarding experience has truly been the people. I consider Market America my family. I have felt the losses and blessings of gaining new friends and losing precious family members through the years. The people have been my greatest reward.
