5 Questions with Jamie Schatz

IMG_7783In January 2011, Market America hired Jamie Schatz as Art Director for the creative services department. Jamie and Lynn Minikel jointly run a department of 42. From product labels to Powerline magazine if it’s been designed by our team,Jamie has probably had a hand in it.

Q. Can you tell us about your background in graphic design?
A. I graduated from Oregon State University and moved to Southern California. I went to work for a design agency that had Nissan & MasterCard as clients. Got a job at Nike and moved back to Oregon to work on their volleyball and new golf lines. Moved to Minnesota and worked for a couple different agencies with clients Northwest Airlines, Coca Cola, National Car Rental & Disney. Got the opportunity to continue my migration from West to East and began working for Market America.

Q. What is it like to be the art director for a company the size of Market America?
A. It is a great opportunity to create and shape brands. With ma’s acquisition of Shop.com’s technology, it has catapulted our brands and products to the big stage. We have to compete with category leaders, build brand awareness and loyalty. We do not want to be a commodity in a crowded market. We have to create emotional connections with consumers and build brand loyalty. Creative Services gets to develop the concepts around building all the ma® brands. It is extremely challenging and rewarding.

Q. Speaking of which, what have been the biggest challenge in your role?
A. Every project has a particular challenge. My role at ma is to help remove road blocks so our team can produce great work that is on target and resonates with our customers, delivered through different mediums, Internet, print, packaging and events.

Q. I haven’t met an Art Director who isn’t an artist. Have you ever had or will you do an art show to present your own paintings to the world?
A. I had a studio in downtown Portland. I had a few gallery showings and each month there was a First Thursday Gallery Walk that I was part of. I showed and won awards at the Minnesota State Fair and a gallery in Hopkins, Minnesota. I currently have a web page, my virtual gallery. I want and need to create new work before I’ll try to find an East Coast gallery.

Q. Besides being an artist, I understand that you are a musician also?
A. I love music. It is a pure art that does not need to be explained. Music sets a mood and people react to it emotionally. That is something I strive for in all the creative work I do. I have a few guitars and need to practice more/always. What’s in my head is not what I am able to pull out of the instrument so there is a constant struggle. Like anything, you only get out what you put in.
