Market America Celebrates Labor Day

For many, Labor Day is a special day filled with cookouts and family gatherings, celebrating the symbolic end of summer – but there is much more to this holiday. Labor Day is a chance to remember and celebrate the vast contributions of the American worker.  Their efforts provide the cornerstone of commerce, and have been the driving force of this nation’s success since its inception. The wheels of industry would never turn without these contributions, and for that we mark this day. In a sense, this day also represents the opportunity to attain the American Dream – achieving success through hard work and dedication.

In light of this nation’s current economic turmoil and high unemployment, Labor Day also highlights the challenges facing today’s workers. In generations past, graduating from college and working hard almost guaranteed you success in your profession -but today finding gainful employment is far from assured. While the traditional models for success seem to crumble around us, cultivating diverse avenues of success is critical for Americans today, and I know the opportunities Market America provides are second to none.

To continue reading, please visit my blog. Enjoy the holiday everyone!

