5 Questions with Gloria Smith

IMG_7491Gloria Smith has been a key ingredient in the Market America mix for almost 12 years. As Assistant Warehouse Manager, you can find Gloria running around the warehouse, checking on the productivity of various workstations, sending emails, and keeping everything running smoothly.  From early in the morning until the last package is off the line, Gloria smiles and keeps the product shipments moving. We caught up with Gloria to find out more about her role here at Market America.

How do you manage it all?

Well I worked on the assembly department for 11 years before I became Assistant Warehouse manager. To go from working with a small group to managing a warehouse full of people is a huge step. I’m learning a lot about people.

So being a people person is requirement?

I think it works for me. I’m a very caring person and I try to help everybody. If I can’t help, then I’ll try to direct you to where you can get what you need. However, the line needs to get started so if people need to talk to me about something, it’s important that work gets started first.

It’s great that your employees know they have someone to talk to. Do you think it helps with productivity?

It does. Sometimes someone just needs to talk. They feel better afterwards and when people are focused, we get things done. We start at 6 am on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and some Thursdays. It’s early, but when I get here and know what my responsibilities are, I’m ready.

Sounds like the start of a long day. How many shifts does the warehouse have?

Only one. That’s all we need. We’re very accurate. When it comes to getting the work out, we’re on it making sure that everything is packaged the way it needs to be. It doesn’t matter how many orders need to ship that day. If we have to stay longer, then that’s what we do.

Is there anything else you would like to let distributors know about your role with Market America?

Just that all of us work as a team to get your products to you. You really have to love your job in order to be successful at what you do. And I’m a true believer in that. If you don’t love your job, you aren’t going anywhere with it.
