Happy Birthday Marc Ashley!

marcOn this day, while Market America celebrates the launch of the first phase of our Shop.com integration, we also celebrate something equally as significant. Today happens to be the birthday of Market America’s COO, Marc Ashley – a day that is very special to me. Marc is a driving force in this industry, and represents this company with integrity and passion beyond words. Marc has been with Market America since its inception, and his commitment, drive, and determination have only increased from that point. His utter selflessness is seen in his immense desire to help others achieve success. I count myself lucky to be associated with a person of such character and commitment as you, and know that this company, and all of the amazing UnFranchise® owners out there, benefit tremendously from your leadership and passion. Your commitment inspires us all, and we wish you nothing but blessings on this joyous day. Happy Birthday, Marc!

Your friend and brother,

