Market America Ranked 99th by Revenue on Inc. Magazine’s Top 500/5000 List

Market America, which debuted this year on Inc. Magazine’s exclusive top 500/5000 list, an annual ranking of the top US based companies based on four year growth percentage rates, was recognized as the 99th ranked company in terms of total revenue among the 5000 ranked companies, and ranked as the fourth retailer based on 2008 revenue. Market America was ranked 4,422 on Inc’s fastest growing companies list based on growth rates from 2005-2008.

Inc. 5000 is an exclusive ranking of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. The list represents the most comprehensive look at the most important segment of the economy—America’s independent-minded entrepreneurs. Inclusion on this list and Market America’s strong standing is further evidence that Market America has created a recession proof business that continues to grow despite the struggling economy.

For a full list of America’s fastest growing companies who join Market America as the top revenue earners, click here.
