5 Questions with Angela Fenwrick

angelaDistributors are the heart and soul of Market America, and the helpful people at Distributor Services go the extra mile to make sure our Distributors’ needs are met. When distributors need assistance, they call Distributor Services, and when distributor and customer service representatives need help, they call Angela Fenwrick – Distributor Services Coordinator. Angela has been with Market America for 11 years and has witnessed a large portion of our company’s history – giving her quite a unique perspective. Angela was kind enough to spare some time from her busy schedule to answer these five questions:

Q. You’ve been with Market America for over a decade – how has the company changed during that time?

A. It gets more exciting, and the momentum just keeps going and going. Typically, when someone has been with a company for this long, you tend to hit a wall – but with this company that’s not the case. Market America is so innovative that you don’t have time to get bored! When I started, we were basically a phone shop with a basic internet presence, and now we are on our way to taking over the internet! We’re very excited about that and I’m very proud to be a part of it.

Q. As Market America’s Distributor Services Coordinator, you obviously have a great deal of responsibility. Could you tell us a little more about your role with the company?

A. Ultimately, it’s my responsibility to ensure that our representatives have the tools they need to provide support for our distributors that is second to none. I’m also responsible for ensuring that the equipment they use is working properly. If not, it’s my responsibility to work with the help desk to find a resolution. I’m also responsible for training new hires and helping them get adjusted to working in the call center. I enjoy coordinating small employee appreciation events such as potlucks for the distributor services department, or campaigns with the employee appreciation committee. I’m also heavily involved in Market America’s “Adopt a Highway” initiative, and help coordinate our activities with the program. To be sure, I have my fingers in many pies all at once!

Q. Why did you decide to get involved with the “Adopt a Highway” initiative to help keep our roads and highways clean?

A. I feel that you should give back to your community – whether it’ the community that you work in or live in. Because I live and work in this community, it’s very important to me that our neighbors see that Market America not only has a positive economic presence, but that we also give back to the community by assisting with beautification efforts. It gives me a sense of pride to see the sign that says Market America on it and I want our neighbors to know that we truly care.

Q. When you’re not helping meet the needs of Market America’s Distributors, what types of activities do you enjoy in your time off?

A. In my down time, I really enjoy following politics. To be honest – I’m a political junkie. I love this time of year! I’ll watch any debate on TV. I love going to Barnes and Nobles and striking up a conversation. I’m that person that you meet in the grocery store and will start talking to you about anything. I’m definitely a conversationalist.

Q. What would you like for Distributors to take away from their experiences with you?

A. That I care and I am invested in what they do. It’s important me. When you do a job, there is obviously a financial end to it, but you want to have a sense of pride and a sense of purpose also.  I want them to know that I’m fully invested in helping them reach their financial and personal goals – in fact, helping them accomplish this gives me a sense of purpose.
