Profiles of Hope: Viki Matthews

vikiTo help raise awareness for Breast Cancer, Market America has been sharing stories of breast cancer survivors throughout the month of October. These remarkable women have endured a great deal, but in the end they emerged as stronger individuals.

As we all know, Breast Cancer can have devastating effects on the body, but its effects are not limited to the physical realm. For many women, this disease also represents an assault on their self-image, especially when the treatment causes hair loss.

For Viki Matthews, losing her hair was the first tangible, outwardly visible confirmation that she in fact had Cancer.  Watch Viki share her story of survival, and discuss her journey of recovery. Along the way, Viki learned that she was much more than her hair.  As a breast cancer survivor, Viki is an inspiration to us all, and we hope you enjoy her touching story.

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