Hot Halloween Costumes

This year I think I’m going to participate in the fun Halloween Holiday! Normally, I hand out candy and watch all the cute kids with their costumes run around excited all night. Not this time! This year I want to remember how fun Halloween can be and dress up too!
In my search for costumes, I’ve come across some on the portal that I think will be hits this year and I thought I would share them with you.

For Little Boys: G.I Joe Costumes


For Little Girls:
Princess Costumes, Disney Characters
For Adult Cosumes, I suggest sticking with the classics such as Vampires for Males and Witches for Females, or even cute pirates couples costumes. Last but least, don’t forget those pooches. Check out the cute dog costumes we have as well.
I tried to add the classics in there while still touching on the new hot ones that have come out. What about you, have you decided what you want to be? Tell us what you or your children have chosen, I’m interested in hearing what everyone is picking!
Remember if you don’t see what you like here be sure to check out Market America’s Costume Category for more great costumes!