Symposium Spotlight: Yan Sai and Nancy Li of Team LA

Team LA
RIGHT TO LEFT: Yan Sai, Nancy Li, Lisa Chang, Dr. Dana Churchill, La Margo Washington, Victoria Tan, Xin Li

Meeting people who are committed to growing their business and improving the lives of others is an incredible experience for all of us at Market America. Yan Sai and her sponsor, Nancy Li, realized the importance of attending the Product Symposium – and were able to attend the event along with 5 other members of their team.

Yan, who is attending her first Product Symposium, wanted to be here so she could learn about our products, in a systematic, scientific manner – as well as to take advantage of the new format presented in this year’s Symposium.

Learning about the science behind our products and the uniqueness of the products will put Yan and her team in a better position for success – but learning invaluable sales techniques presented at this year’s Symposium will help them take their business to the next level.

“The Market America business is not just about selling – there’s a great deal of science behind it,” says Nancy. “For me, I want to be able to educate my customers who need these products – but you need to understand your business first. If you just sell, your business opportunity is limited. When you know the science behind our products, and the uniqueness of each product, you will be in a much better position to explain the benefits of our products to your clients.”

Helping distributors grow their business is what the Product Symposium is all about – and this year’s event has been a hit with attendees. As Nancy says, “If you want to get to the top, this is THE place! I learned so much, and I personally will benefit from the Product Symposium, as well as my entire team.”
