Symposium Spotlight: Matt Lucas

Matt LucasWhether you’re a Product Symposium newcomer or a veteran, the information presented here can have a major impact on your business, as well as your teams’. This is the best source for detailed information about our products, as well as that of our competitors – giving you the knowledge you need to get ahead. We caught up with one Product Symposium veteran to find out his thoughts on this year’s event.

Matt Lucas has been a distributor for over 10 years, and has been to numerous Product Symposiums. Matt understands that regardless of how long you’ve been with the company, attending these events is an invaluable experience. After all, what he learns here allows him to go back to the field to train his team and help build their business.

“It’s where the knowledge comes from – really getting detailed information about the products and new releases, what’s happening, and what’s out there in terms of competition. Even if you think you know a lot about the products, you can always learn more – and these little tips here and there can really make a huge difference.”

Matt’s experience as a veteran Product Symposium attendee gives him a unique perspective to discuss the changes to this year’s event. Here’s what Matt had to say about the new format:

“The other formats were great, and they presented a lot of good information – but I think that it’s really about teaching people how to do things. It’s one thing to have the information, but you have to be able to use it. Doing real-life explanations which show us how to actually handle these scenarios has been fantastic.

To talk about competitive analysis and understanding what it is – and just being able to tell people specifically what the competition is, and having the slides and everything else to say ‘Alright, guys – here’s our competition, and these are the types of objections you might encounter – and now you’ll be ready to handle it.’

I also really like this year’s wider diversity of speakers – there are always different people going up to talk about the topics. Like Tanya says these are the people who create the products, conduct the research, and handle the products themselves – so they’re the best possible people to talk about this.”

One highlight of this year’s Symposium is the debut of the new TLS Health Guide and Journal, and Matt was especially excited about this item:

“The new system they put together is absolutely amazing. It has a lot of great information, but to condense it down to that one booklet makes it simple. If you have this book you can do the TLS System – this is exactly what people have been looking for.

I know that Lydia and Tanya have really worked hard getting that information together because they have really been listening to what we’ve been saying we need. We needed that same level of detail, but we needed it to be as simple as possible. To be able to get a booklet in that simple format is great.

We had to simplify it so that anyone can share this information. You don’t have to be trained by a weight management specialist, dietician, doctor, or personal trainer to sell the program – and that makes it so much more duplicable. It eliminates the knowledge barrier that may have been present before. You just have to be the messenger; you don’t have to be an expert. I think that is really powerful.”

We really enjoyed discussing these topics with Matt, and we were glad to see that he had a great experience at this year’s Product Symposium. If you have a Product Symposium story you’d like to tell, send us an email at We’d love to hear about your experiences!
