Mouth-watering recipes and delectable ideas

In case you have forgotten, the holiday season is upon us. Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away and the gift giving season is right on its heels.

There are many reasons to love this time of year. The gifts, the time spent with family and friends, and the abundance of holiday television specials make this time of the year something unique. Of course, nothing can compare to the richness of the holiday dinner spread. If you are like me, your favorite part of the holidays is the food. This is the time when people gather in the kitchen to expertly craft pies, baste turkeys and hams, cream potatoes and smother it all in gravy.

Even those people who never set foot in a kitchen will brave a stovetop in the name of the holiday menu. For the less experienced cooks, a cookbook can be a lifesaver. Even if you don’t follow the recipe exactly, a good cookbook can provide you with priceless tips, endless ideas, and a healthy dose of culinary confidence.

Click here to find great cookbooks that will help prepare the perfect recipe this holiday.
