Internet Marketing Tips – Keeping the Spies Out

You’ve probably had the same experience – you go online to surf your favorite shopping site only to be interrupted by annoying Spyware. Spyware can interrupt your web portal shopping and block you from getting to your favorite sites, not to mention keep you from communicating with your friends online.

In fact, we’ve heard that some of you have recently seen this screen asking you to take a survey from I assure you, this is not a official survey, so please don’t attempt to take this survey.

The problem is that your computer has possibly been infected with Spyware. With people targeting email accounts and social networks, you’re bound to run across one of these at some point.

Mac users, you can breathe a sigh of relief here, because you probably won’t experience this during the life of your Mac. The good thing for most PC users is that there’s an inexpensive (that means free) solution to help protect your computer.

One great solution is to install and run AdAware, a free software solution for dealing with spyware that can help protect your computer from people wanting to peek in.

Couple AdAware with another Anti-virus software (like Avast – which is also free), and you can breathe a little easier because you’ve now protected your computer using the latest in anti-virus and anti-spyware software — for free!

If you have come across these types of emails before or want to know more about protecting your computer from spyware, send an email to

On a side note, remember not to spam people when you’re trying to get a message across to them either — this means no unsolicited emails or facebook wall posts either, because this too breeds spyware and can ultimately turn people off in the process.

Your Internet Marketing Manager
