MAWC2012 Update: Your Health Bill of Rights

You’ve seen him on The View and today we saw him right here on the Market America stage: Dr. Steven Lamm delivered to the audience their Bill of Rights. “You have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” he said, “but you’re not entitled to health. And without your health, your ability to enjoy life, liberty, and to pursue happiness, is severely limited.”

Staying healthy means making good choices, and Lamm feels that using Pycnogenol® is a better choice than ever, thanks to new research that supports the value of the multiple benefits of Pycnogenol: “What’s good for your heart is good for your skin and good for your brain; that’s the beauty of Pycnogenol,” he said.

Clinical studies showed that Pycnogenol increased collagen production by 29%, hyaluronic acid production by 44%, elasticity by 25%, and hydration by 8%. It also improves mental performance, including memory and attention. “We know that nutrients play a role in how the brain functions,” said Lamm, speaking specifically of young people diagnosed with ADD who when given Pycnogenol in a lab setting and monitored over time, improved their test scores. The research also demonstrated that Pycnogenol helped people who have suffered a heart attack, when taken on top of their medication cocktail. It improved the performance endothelial cells, which can end up made inactive by fat in the blood stream. When patients were given Pycnogenol then tested over time, there’s an improvement in endothelial health—and that means an improvement in overall health, which is Isotonix’s overall goal.
