Loren Launches Her Own Blog

Loren Ridinger, VP of Market America, has launched her own blog, located at http://lorensfashioncents.blogspot.com/.

She’s an excellent writer with great tastes in fashion and style. I’m sure her blog will be enjoyed by many.

Her first post:

This is an exciting time because so many wonderful things are happening.. It is a great new year and 2008 promises to be the best year yet… For everyone!! I am very excited about FashionCents, because I think it is a great way for us to communicate and share ideas about fashion, shopping and great tips that we can borrow from each other. This is so much fun, I feel like Carrie Bradshaw from Sex in the City. I arrived back from NYC last night and had an amazing time. It was my girlfriends baby shower and so we threw her a glamorous party in her honor. It was incredible. Then our friend Alejandro Sanz, (if you dont know him, he is a very very famous international singer) performed at Madison Square Garden on Friday night and we went with our very dear friends, Marc Anthony and Jennifer as well as our friends Paulino Rubio (the mexican pop star) and her wonderful new husband, Nicolas who is incredible. We danced all night and had the best time and celebrated after. It is always wonderful to be in NYC. I just love it there, it is somehow liberating. I was so excited to get out into the city and do some shopping. I wasn’t really in need of anything or looking for anything in particular, but just wanted to feel the city and somehow you get sucked into all those stores. But strangely enough, as much as I love to shop, I just didn’t have as much fun as I thought. It is real work to go into a store and try to find what you are looking for or even browse for that matter. You have to find someone to help you, then you have to hope that they have what you are looking for and if you are lucky enough to find it, you then have to stand in line and wait to pay for it and hope they ring it up right the first time:) I tried very hard to buy something in New York, believe me, I tried, I went into so many stores, but even JR was surprised to see me come home with nothing (and relieved:) But when I got home, I started to shop Market America’s shopping site, and of course I ended up on Shopbop.com (one of my favorites…I always seem to end up there) and bought a bunch of goodies:) I love that store because you can find everything from bathing suits and sweatsuits to cocktail dresses and the shoes…all in one place.. love that concept.(be sure to check out the new colors of Juicy Couture, I got the lawn boy green and clementine orange, yummy!!!) (and of course if you are a Market America Unfranchise Owner, you get paid back for your purchases in cash:) Shopping online is so much easier and you get to browse without anyone hassling you….
Every once in a while, a girl has to indulge herself,
xox Loren

Note: I’ve seen a couple of comments on here for Loren, I think she’d appreciate it more if people were to leave comments on her first post here.
