Market America – Now LinkedIn

Market America Inc. is proud to announce that it now has a LinkedIn profile, at

For those who don’t know, LinkedIn is a social networking site for companies and professionals. It’s basically a professional’s version Myspace or Facebook. Below is a chart of quick comparisons between Myspace and LinkedIn profiles.

Myspace LinkedIn
Friends Contacts
About Me Education / Work Experience
Leave Friends Comments Leave Contacts Recommendations

There’re many benefits of having a LinkedIn profile. Below is a quick list of what Guy Kawasaki, one of my favorite venture capitalists, has to say about LinkedIn:

  • The average number of LinkedIn connections for people who work at Google is forty-seven.
  • The average number for Harvard Business School grads is fifty-eight, so you could skip the MBA, work at Google, and probably get most of the connections you need. Later, you can hire Harvard MBAs to prepare your income taxes.
  • People with more than twenty connections are thirty-four times more likely to be approached with a job opportunity than people with less than five.
  • All 500 of the Fortune 500 are represented in LinkedIn. In fact, 499 of them are represented by director-level and above employees.

Personally, I love LinkedIn. I keep up with lots of my ex-coworkers, ex-business partners, and industry colleagues through it. While I lived in DC, I’ve had recruiters representing major companies such as Yellow Pages and CarMax approaching me because they’ve found me on LinkedIn trying to fill a search marketing position and liked my job experience.

So to all that reads this post: If you currently have a LinkedIn profile, send us an invite. If you don’t, create one at and send us an invite. We’d love to be connected to you!
