Beauty in a Snap

When the cold weather hits, it is hard for me to come out of from the warmth of my down comforter in the morning. For that reason, I adopt a sleek morning beauty routine in the winter months that allows me to maximize my time under the covers. So how do you manage to look completely pulled together without slaving away in front of the bathroom mirror? Here a few tips for beauty in a snap.

1. Moisturize. With the winter wind blowing moisture out of the air and indoor heating producing dry air, the moisture in your skin takes a serious blow. Apply a rich moisturizer to keep skin healthy and plump. If your skin is oily, look for a moisturizer with an oil-free formula, instead of skipping it altogether. Sun reflecting of snow and ice can be especially damaging this time of year, so look for a moisturizer with a built in SPF.

2. Skip the concealer and use foundation sparingly. It takes a long time to apply foundation evenly to your entire face. Instead, apply it only in the areas you need coverage, like under eye areas or blemishes. This will even out your skin, without taking up your time.
3. A little color can go a long way. Don’t underestimate what a little blush can do to brighten up your complexion and make it look like you spent more time on your look than you really did. Use a little blush on the apples of your cheeks and you will look instantly refreshed.
4. Eyes are the window into the soul. So frame those windows with a little mascara. Curl your lashes first and apply a quick coat of mascara to your lashes to instantly open up your eyes and complete your look.
So pull those covers back over your head and catch some more z’s. Don’t forget to visit Market America’s Beauty and Personal Care Category for great skin care products and high quality cosmetics.