How to: Share videos from YouTube

Over the past few weeks, we’ve received a number of questions on the proper ways to share videos that you see on YouTube.  Sharing videos is a great way to let your friends in on what it is that has been keeping you so busy.  It is also important from a social networking standpoint, because it helps spread information that you want to get out to the world.

How to: share a video from YouTube.

This week’s tip will teach you a few techniques that you can use to share videos that you like from YouTube (the proper way)!

  1. Sharing a link to a YouTube channel: If you’re a fan of a particular channel on YouTube, one technique is to share the direct link to that user’s channel. Ex: By sharing a link to a users channel, it will give viewers the opportunity to see all of their videos. Simply visit, look for the user’s name (typically found below the video), and click the link to browse other videos that they have uploaded.
  2. Embedding a video from YouTube on your website: Another technique you can use to share your favorite video is to embed a video on  your website. You’ll need to know how to edit your website, blog, etc…but this is a great way to showcase a video right on your site!  To do this, visit a video you like on YouTube, click on the video and then click “embed.”  Copy and paste the code they give you into your own website. Save your changes and refresh — you’ve now just shared a video and displayed it on your site! Note: not all videos can be embedded.
  3. Sharing a video via email: To share a YouTube video via email, visit the video you would like to share. Next, click the ‘share’ link.  Copy the link that you have been provided (Ex: into your email, address it add a message and hit send! That’s it!
  4. Sharing a video on ma Chatterbox: To share a video on ma Chatterbox, simply visit ma Chatterbox and login. Click the Add videos icon (it looks like a musical note).  Click ‘find media’ and search for your favorite video. Finally, click on the image of the video you want to make a favorite and then click the black record player to activate the video. Your video is now displayed for all of your neighbors to see!
  5. Sharing a video on Twitter: To share a video on Twitter from YouTube, click ‘share’ and then enter in your Twitter login along with your message. Twitter will include a link back to the video you’ve shared. Hit the ‘tweet’ button and you’ve now shared a video for the world to see.
  6. Sharing a video on Facebook: The last technique (and probably most often used technique) is to share a video on Facebook. One way to do this is to follow item 3 above (sharing via email) and instead of sending it through email, post the link on your Facebook profile’s wall.  A second way you can share a YouTube video on Facebook is to visit, click the ‘share’ link underneath your video, and then enter your Facebook credentials along with your message and any pertinent links that you want to include to your friends, family and business associates.

Sharing videos is a very important technique towards being successful with using social networking as a marketing tool.  Did you know that YouTube is the number 2 search engine (behind it’s big brother, Google)? Remember, it is important to share videos, not copy them and post them claiming them as your own. This way it preserves the owner’s original work’s (and gives them credit for their hardwork).

If you’ve got questions on sharing videos on YouTube, please email me at with your specific questions.

Christian Karasiewicz
Internet Marketing and Social Media Manager
