Creating a Rich Text Signature in Gmail

How many times have you received an email from someone that didn’t include an email signature? I can personally attest that I get this at least five to ten times per day (and it is rather annoying). You have very little information to go off of — like who is.  As a business owner, this is an extremely unacceptable practice, as you are not only limiting your customers from contacting you, but you are also missing out on promoting your businesses website as well as other way’s people can connect with you.

So what do you do in this situation?

If you’re a Gmail user (which I highly recommend), just this morning, Gmail added in the ability to add in rich text into your email signature.

What this means is that you’ll now be able to quickly include:

  • Website links
  • A link to your Facebook profile
  • A link to your Twitter account
  • Images
  • Etc…

To create a rich text signature — simply follow these steps:

  1. Create a Gmail account or login to your existing account
  2. Select Settings (top right corner)
  3. Scroll down to the Signature area
  4. Select the radio button underneath No signature and start entering your information, changing colors, entering hyperlinks, etc…

If you need ideas on what to in your email signature (so that other’s can contact you about your business opportunities), click here.

So how many of you currently include a signature in your email account? I’m interested in hearing what information you include — leave a comment.

If you have questions on email signatures or need help, please email me,


Christian Karasiewicz

Internet Marketing and Social Media Manager
