Have You Used Google Translate to Expand Your Reach?

I remember my first Market America Convention quite vividly – and I think about it often. I felt so inspired and energized – I would be hard pressed to forget what an awesome experience it was! I think about that first convention frequently – mostly because that’s when the spirit of Market America family really clicked for me. I was truly struck by the incredible amount of diversity amongst our Independent Shop Consultants and UnFranchise® Owners – on all levels – age, interests, ethnicity, geographically and more. To me, it’s a true testament to an organization when folks from all walks of life can come together to build a team and work together to find success.

When I read the article Google Translate Draws More Than 200 Million Users Each Month on Mashable last week, I immediately thought back to my first convention, the high level of diversity and wondered: “How many of our UnFranchise Owners and Independent Shop Consultants utilize a tool like Google Translate to expand their reach?” In social media, I use Google Translate on a regular basis. People from around the globe join our online conversations and it is key to have an effective and comprehensive translation tool at our fingertips.

If you haven’t utilized Google Translate, it’s growing by leaps and bounds. And, if you think about it – this may be one of the most powerful internet-based tools we have, allowing people from nearly anywhere to communicate and share information.

Click HERE for the full article.

If you have used Google Translate, TELL US how it’s helped you expand your networking reach.

