Who do you think you are? (VS Who are you, really?)

We all have an image of ourselves; a vision of who we think we are, or who we would like to be. We like to think that the world sees us the way we want them to see us. But how close are these impressions to the reality of who we actually are? Are you the person you think you are?

The following article, which appeared earlier this week in the Huffington Post, examines this self-image vs. actual image dichotomy. Especially with the constant desire to project ourselves a certain way on social media sites, we find we are constantly defining ourselves, explaining ourselves, and telling people what we are rather than showing them. If you have “Yoga” as one of your hobbies, how often do you actually practice? Same with “Travel,” when was the last time you took a trip? By re-examining what you say you are, you may suddenly find yourself on a mission to actually make yourself the person you think you should be. Read Russel Bishop’s piece below, and see if your priorities could use a little re-positioning.

Soul-Talk: Are You Shortchanging Who You Truly Are?

