
October is Fire Prevention Month

Most people don’t know but October is Fire Prevention Month, and with so many candles and lanterns around you can never be too careful. If you’re going to use open flame candles or jack-o-lanterns make sure…


Have a Safe Halloween

Halloween is here, and many of us have been busy finding costumes for our children, ourselves, and if you are like me, our pets. But as we send our children outside to trick or treat, costumes…


Get Acquainted—the New Windows 7

  October 22, 2009 was a big day for Microsoft—it officially introduced Windows 7 to the world. Unlike Vista, Windows 7 has received positive recognition from early adopters so far. The new OS is overall faster…

Health & Nutrition, News

Omega-3 for Healthy Men

A recent study published in the British Journal of Nutrition explored the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on heart health in healthy subjects. Over 57,000 subjects were enrolled in the Danish Diet, Cancer and Health cohort…