
Loren Ridinger a Guest Blogger for

Loren Ridinger, Senior Vice President of Market America and Creative Director of Motives® is now a guest blogger at the popular beauty blog Loren’s first column introduces the brand new Motives Nail Candy and explains…


Hot Halloween Costumes

This year I think I’m going to participate in the fun Halloween Holiday! Normally, I hand out candy and watch all the cute kids with their costumes run around excited all night. Not this time! This…

Business Building

Internet Marketing Tips – Using Photos

Today’s tip comes courtesy of an email to A reader wrote in and said, “I saw a photo I liked on another website, can I use this for my profile photo on say Twitter or…

Health & Nutrition, News

Vitamin D is best as a supplement!

According to the latest update from the Harvard Medical School, vitamin D supplements are the best way to deliver a person’s vitamin D requirements. Foods such as fish or eggs contain vitamin D, but industry leaders…