
48 new colors

Plus two new celebrity color match experts: Maria Checa and Claudia Betancur. And did we mention a hot new logo? Motives is already one of our most successful brands. A foundation of our business if there…

Events & Trainings, News

The Roadmap

I’m such a dork. I love these things. Contained within every welcome pack here at World Conference is an Event Program. (this year’s cover is below) Its contents shed some insight about Market America’s direction for…


Cool pic.

I’m not really much of a photog. BK & Silvers are the better men for that job. But in a pinch, check this out:


The waiting is the hardest part…

Market America’s most ardent UnFranchise Owners & Customer Managers began queuing up at dawn. Even though it’s chilly & early, smiles & good cheer are in abundance.