
New Year, New Goals

It’s hard to believe that 2009 is here! I’m sure it will fly by just like 2008 did. Of course, with every year comes new adventures, new goals and new challenges. Personally, my new adventure in…


February is National Pet Dental Health Month

Caring for our pet’s teeth is probably one of the most overlooked aspects of their health. Maybe we’ve tried brushing their teeth and had a bad experience, maybe we just don’t have the time or maybe…


Probiotics – The best alternative medicine for children

Probiotics are live microbial organisms that are naturally present in the digestive tract and contribute to the health and balance of the intestinal tract. Probiotics are considered beneficial and are sometimes referred to as “friendly” bacteria,…


New Research on Grape Seed Extract!

Hey all, Happy New Year! I was really excited to read this fascinating new study on grape seed extract. This new study published in Clinical Cancer Research explores the link between grape seed extract and apoptosis…