
Calling All Lovebirds!

Market America has a huge impact on those involved in it.  If you’ve spent five minutes at a convention (or watch one of the videos, as I’ve done), you know the power and energy that this…

Events & Trainings

A View from the Events Department

When you work in Events, it’s easy to lose sight of the ‘big picture’ – you spend most of your days making reservations, returning phone calls, planning agendas & breakouts, booking flights, making sure NOT to…


New Research Supporting Low Glycemic Eating for Diabetics

Just wanted to share some exciting news published in The Journal for Nurse Practitioners/American College of Nurse Practitioners, Vol. 4, Number 9, October 2008,, page 688 The article is entitled: Low-Glycemic Index Diets: Should They…

Product Promos & Updates

Ma Partner Stores

The list of partner stores continues to grow. Below is a list of stores that were recently added to the web portal! features magnetic bracelets for the sports enthusiast. They offer rings, bracelets,…