Health & Nutrition

Slowing the Aging Process with Exercise

What exercise do you find yourself doing regularly? Weightlifting, swimming, jogging, pilates or yoga? Some sort of cardiovascular activity is great for anyone at any age. I stumbled across this article on WebMD and found it…

Product Promos & Updates

Ma Partner Stores

Market America continues to grow in the partner stores area. Below are a few new partner stores that were recently added to your Market America web portal. Check back later this week as for new direct…

Health & Nutrition

Isotonix Prenatal Multi-vitamin!

One of the newest nutraMetrix® products is the nutraMetrix® Isotonix Prenatal Multi-Vitamin. This isotonic-capable supplement supplies the Recommended Daily Allowance of many key vitamins and nutrients needed for an expectant mother. Isotonix® superior delivery and rapid…


Photos from Troops Serving Overseas

As many of you may know, Market America has been donating products and employees care packages to troops serving overseas for some time now. It’s just a small gesture of our appreciation for the incredible sacrifices…