Day 3 Morning Session of MAWC 2014: Social Media, New DNA Miracles Products & the Jerry Siciliano Award!

Can you believe that we are already on day 3 of MAWC 2014? And what an exciting morning it was! The powerful schedule keeps getting better and better! Check out what happened this morning in the recap below! 

Andrew Weissman talks about recruiting with Field Leaders

Andrew Weissman gave a warm welcome to some truly amazing Field Leaders who are MA Mexico’s “pioneers” and a total inspiration to all of us! MA Mexico UnFranchise Owners Leo and Liz Gil spoke about their journey over the past 2 years working hard to build their business from the ground up.

“The only thing we have done is exactly what is taught on this stage. You need to follow the system, that’s all there is to it! You can’t do it without the amazing guidance that this system provides!” Liz told the audience, stressing the importance of purchasing tickets to MAIC! Liz offered some insight, “Always bring a guest to the events, that is the secret!” What a fantastic testimonial from Leo and Liz, who ended their presentation by saying, “We will keep growing, Mexico is unstoppable!”

Dawn Florio was up next from ‘Team Fat Joe’, with another motivational testimony! “I have found what I want to do and I have found my business! I want more, so much more!” Dawn told us about the financial struggles she has seen in her life, then, Dawn asked “where have you been the last 25 years Market America? You have saved my life!” She then shared with the audience what her journey building her business was like, and finished with her top 10 pointers “My future is bright with Team Fat Joe! Joe inspired me so much, I trust in him.  He doesn’t lie, this business works!”

Loren Ridinger and Steve Ashley get get serious about social media 

Loren and Steve took the stage to talk about one of the hottest (and OUR personal favorite) topics right now – social media! Steve threw it to the crowd asking, “who here has recruited someone through social media?” and the crowd roared – but not loud enough! “We want everyone to be connected,” added Loren. “Why? Because we want you to be connected to customers! And that’s what social media will do!”

The duo went on to talk about using social media to build your brand. “You have to know your social media platform and know what they’re about,” Steve told us. Each social media platform acts very differently and you need to identify what type of messaging is relevant.

Loren and Steve walked us through each social media platform with helpful tips and tools to use! One of the best tips they offered was the ‘Give. Give. Take’ rule: engage with your audience on a personal level a few times [give] to make them feel comfortable before pitching a sale [take] so that is comes naturally. “Do you guys understand how powerful social media is? We have been given a free tool to use to help us create a million dollar business,” said Loren.

We learned the right way to engage with other brands and people through this unique tool, to benefit our brand. They made sure to reiterate the point several times: take what you do offline and put it online! Steve shared a few tips for finding relevant, engaging content to share on our personal and business pages: watch what the big brands and entrepreneurs do! Loren then spoke about one of her favorite platforms, Instagram. “Use Instagram to share your story! People love pictures and people love a story.”

Your social media pares are virtual representations of you and your business. Be sure that your profile is professional and current; this tip will make your social media attractive to potential customers. Loren stressed to not be afraid to invest in social media with promoted ads or scheduling platforms. “Are you here to build your business? Then don’t be afraid to try something different, it will pay off.”

Social media doesn’t have to be hard or complicated, and all of us at Market America are here to help! “I don’t want you to reinvent the wheel,” Loren said. “Steal it from us! Repost it like it is yours! This is a freebie to promote yourself, your business and your brand through word of mouth – but amplifying the message!” However, Loren reminded us, this DOESN’T mean that you should post an image on your social media and claim it as your own. Giving appropriate credit to the person who created the image its ALWAYS a must.

Loren and Steve invited successful social media superstar and UnFranchise owner, Cheyn Crangle, onto the stage. Cheyn shared his story about building his business with social media, and how we can implement his tips to do the same.

All of these tips and tools presented today can be found in your back office. Be sure you are following all corporate channels on social media, and click HERE to read even more about using social media to build your UnFranchise Business.

Check it out: Here is a great example of well managed social media talked about on stage!

How exciting! Fat Joe takes the stage to talk about becoming an UnFranchise Owner

JR Ridinger gave a heart-felt introduction to a real “prized-person” that is so close to him, our own “Latino-urban JR”, famous rap artist FAT JOE!

Fat Joe took the stage with passion, full of “thank yous” and “shout outs” to his mentors and role models including JR and Loren. The rap artist talked with Andrew Weissman and shared personal stories of struggle and inspiration, his successful music career and experience with Market America. We loved hearing Joe talk about showing the business plan and duplicating his business partners, his success and passion was contagious! “Market America will no longer be the ‘best kept secret’ as JR always says. EVERYONE is going to know Market America, like PEPSI and Coca-Cola! We’re taking Market America straight to the top!”

Fat Joe brought the roaring crowd to a standing ovation on multiple occasions, promising us that he’s taking his team to all International Market America Countries.  We can’t wait to see it happen!

Amber Ridinger McLaughlin, Duane McLaughlin and Marty Weissman announce new products to the DNA Miracles line!

Amber and Duane came out on to stage to an already standing audience with a glow only possible from two new parents! The proud creators of this line recapped the already amazing DNA Miracles and DNA Miracles Natural products and shared how they only use DNA Miracles for their baby. Then they brought out the “God Father” of the product line Marty Weissman to share the excitement of announcing two BRAND NEW products that will join the DNA family!

We warmly welcome the DNA Miracles Probiotics Plus and DNA Miracles Natural Soothing Ointment to the Market America product family! “I love the direction that Duane and Amber are taking with this line. They’re putting together products that are science based,” Marty complimented to the couple.

The trio brought out a series of guests to discuss the strengths of the DNA Miracles line including: Dr. Hsiao-Ling Lin who shared an amazing testimonial with us, and Dr. Deedra Mason who spoke about the ingredients that are gentle on babies skin that all parents can trust! Then, Dr. Mark Lange discussed the beneficial results of these brand new products.

“We are beyond excited about this successful line and new products. We are so lucky to get to share it with you!” Amber shared from the stage in closing. Learn more about these new products by reading this post on our blog HERE.

Could your baby be the “New Face” of DNA Miracles? Learn all about the contest HERE!

Dr. Steven Lamm on the powerful ingredient: Pycnogenol

Dr. Lamm shared with us some incredible information on Pycnogenol, an ingredient that is present in many Market America products like Isotonix® OPC3 products. Isotonix OPC3 delivers a unique fast-acting formula that delivers powerful results and the effects of this unique ingredient are amazing, benefiting you from the inside, out!

To learn more about this all-star ingredient, click HERE!

The Jerry Siciliano Award goes to…

Loren Ridinger and Marty Weissman moved the arena this morning with an emotional presentation as they reminisced on the legacy of integrity and love that was Jerry Siciliano, “the Godfather” of Market America.

Market America is an International Corporation, but is first and foremost a family, and without the members of the small family from the beginning, Marty and Loren remind us that we would not be here today. His lighthearted demeanor and never failing charisma laid the foundation for the business building tools that brought thousands to fill the arena this weekend.

“His ability to provide support and love and the legacy he left behind was his greatest gift. He will always be the heart of Market America,” Marty said with tears in his eyes. We all reminisced Jerry in a video that truly showed his personality.

The crowd gave a standing applause as Marty and Loren welcomed Jerry’s family on stage. Jerry’s wife, Isabelle, spoke about Jerry’s legacy and Marty and Loren explained what this award truly means and together announced this year’s overwhelmingly grateful and emotional recipients, Tony and Pam Bowling!

A speechless Tony and Pam took the stage and mustered up all of their strength to find the right words to remember Jerry. They thanked the ma® corporate team, Jacki Blasko (last year’s award recipient), God, and their family and friends who inspire them each and every day.

“Oh boy, I always thought that the people who won these things knew in advance because they always had a speech,” joked Tony. A big congratulations goed out to Pam and Tony – we’re so proud of you! And thank you, Jerry, for your continued influence and inspirational guidance to our company, our values, and our success!

BonniePhilo shares her Power Profile

Bonnie started us off with her own story about her journey to becoming an UnFranchise Owner and the steps she took to grow her business! She shared some really great tips with us of how we can share the same successes that she has now had because of all of the people that stuck with her and believed in her. She joined the many before her in urging that you attend MAIC 2014 and get your tickets now!

What an incredible morning it was on day 3 of MAWC 2014! We can’t wait to see what this afternoon’s grand finale holds! 
