Market America and Motives® by Loren Ridinger in the News

Market America and Motives are once again in the news in a trio of stories highlighting the company’s continued growth and the success of Motives by Loren Ridinger cosmetics.

The Greensboro News & Record ran a front page story that focused on Market America’s expansion to widen the scope of available technologies, products and services on The article also highlighted the continued growth of Motives by Loren Ridinger, with sales increasing over 50 percent during the past year. To view the article click here. posted an article written by Loren Ridinger with tips on how to achieve a sun kissed face without the tanners. A quality brush, a good bronzer, a good moisturizer, and natural light are all elements Loren identified as being critical to a pretty and natural sun-kissed face. Click here to read the full article.

Motives is also a featured giveaway on the popular beauty blog, written by Shyema Azam, an editor at Marie Claire magazine. Shyema attended the Motives Muse Event hosted by Loren last month, and loved the products so much that she is giving away over $800 worth of products in 14 separate contests. Click here to learn more about the giveaway:
