Motives® Spotlight: Barbara Johnson

There’s no better way to build your Motives® business than to learn from the very best in the industry, our Motives® Certified Trainers and Motives Beauty Advisors! This week, we have with us successful Motives® Certified Trainer Barbara Johnson. Read on to find out how she’s succeeded in the industry!

What is your favorite Motives product?

My favorite Motives products are Motives Custom Blend Foundation and Motives Custom Blend Mineral powders.

What is the benefit of attending a Motives training at either World Conference or International Convention?

It keeps you current on the new products.  I like how we are informed on how we should conduct classes in the field.  You also get achance to meet and greet vintage Motives Advisors, and of course, our new Motives Advisors.

Which kit do you recommend purchasing for the new Motives Beauty Advisors?

I recommend the La La Kit.  It gives you a variety of products to accommodate various skin colors.

What is one mistake you made while building the business and what is your advice to others who want to avoid making that same mistake?

Be more observant of individuals as you meet them.  Listen very carefully when talking to them.  One of my biggest mistakes was not following up after having a wonderful conversation with a person, whether it was products or the Motives Business Plan.  I learned you must stay in contact with established customers and introduce them to new products and offer an introductory discount for immediate purchase.

If you could have an unlimited amount of any Motives product, what product would you choose?

It would be lipstick and lip gloss.  It has been proven during the Great Depression; women always would have money to buy lipstick.  I have always sold lipstick and lip glass at my trunk shows. The attendees at the trunk show will buy at least 2 lipstick and a gloss.

Can you give us a few of your best recruiting tips?

Host as Many Motives trunk shows as possible.  Offer private consultations on how to apply makeup as long as the person purchases $75 worth products or host a trunk show.  Smile, be friendly, and always have a pleasant attitude.

Tell everyone you meet you are a Motives Consultant, and you specialize in custom blend makeup.  They will ask you what do you mean by custom blend, that will start the conversation.

What is one common challenge that you have encountered as an entrepreneur and how did you overcome it?

Discipline is a big challenge, also being a self-starter.  I overcame these challenges by setting goals.  I  always attended local seminars it keeps you on track. You must read information that will help you grow as an entrepreneur. One of my favorite books is: “How To Win and Influence People”.  I make sure I sell at least one product a week, book a consultation.  Lastly, I pray and meditate it keeps you calm and grounded.

We would like to thank Barbara for taking the time to speak with us briefly and revealing some of her business building tips and expertise! Do you have any questions for Barbara? Let us know in the comment box below!
