Motives® Spotlight: Dawnn Lindsey

Learning from the experience of other Motives® Certified Trainers and Motives® Beauty Advisors is a great way to build your Motives business, so we created a brand new blog feature that will help you do just that! This week, we have with us successful Motives® Master Coordinator Dawnn Lindsey. Read on to find out how she’s succeeded in the industry!

What is your favorite part about working with a cosmetics line?

My favorite part about working with a cosmetics line is all the people that I get to meet and the fact that I have something for everyone, whether it’s a simple mascara and gloss or a full makeover.

What is your favorite Motives®  product?

Hands down our custom liquid and powder foundations. It takes the guessing work out of finding the perfect foundation for my clients.

What’s the best way to get someone who loves MAC or Smashbox to try Motives®?

The best way to get someone who loves MAC or Smashbox to try Motives is showing them our Motives® Pressed Eye Shadows, of course. The quality is awesome and they are so easy to work with for the professional as well as the average person.

Which kit do you recommend purchasing for the new Motives® Beauty Advisors?

I highly recommend the Motives® Fast Start Kit! It comes with everything you need to get started with the Motives® business.

What advice do you have for people who are just starting to build their business with Motives® cosmetics?

-Get to the Motives® trainings! They are very important and it will help you grow your business.
-Don’t be afraid to take a class twice or even with a different trainer.
-Make sure you get your Basic 5 and NDT training too!

We would like to thank Dawnn for taking the time to speak with us and revealing some of her best business-building tips! Now it’s your turn: which one of Dawn’s tips do you think will be the most helpful to your Motives® business and why? Comment your answer below!
