Motives® Spotlight: Jodi Usher

Learning from the experience of other Motives® Certified Trainers and Motives® Beauty Advisors is a great way to build your Motives business! This week, we have with us successful Motives® Certified Trainer and Professional Coordinator Jodi Usher. Read on to find out how she’s succeeded in the industry!

What is your favorite part about working with a cosmetics line?

Wow! I have so many favorites but will have to say the reaction of the client when they see how good they look with the right makeup on their face is my favorite part about working with a cosmetics line.

What is the benefit of attending a Motives® training at World Conference or International Convention?

I think that it is a great opportunity for many who do not have a Motives® Certified Trainer in their area to attend a Motives® training at World Conference or International Convention, and also a great opportunity for all to see first-hand the trainings from corporate selected trainers.

What is one mistake you made while building business, and what is your advice to others who want to avoid making the same mistake?

LOL! I have made way more than one mistake! My best advice for anyone would be if you lead with a product, close with the business behind it, and vice versa. I believe that belief in BOTH is what keeps people in the business no matter what their major is.

Can you share 3 tips with our readers for building their business during any holiday event?

  1. Create packages with products that work best together (Custom blend-Face primer-Foundation brush)
  2. Have some products on hand for quick Cash -&-Carry at all events you do.
  3. Offer incentives for friends and clients to shop with you.

What’s a common challenge that you encountered as an entrepreneur and how did you overcome it?

Not understanding how very important duplication is with our business. Success in MA and/or Motives®  is not about how great you are but how well you can duplicate your efforts with your team. This is a very different concept of what was needed in my former profession as an entrepreneur!

Do you have a social media strategy?

Yes, it’s quite basic. I keep personal out of the spotlight, post photos from as many events as possible (always trying to get better at this one) and message those who may comment on my posts rather than repost publically my responses.

What advice do you have for people who are just starting to build their business with Motives® cosmetics?

  • Remember this is not an overnight strategy, but an incredible journey ahead of you.
  • Get training on what you want to focus on and repeat it as often as necessary to GET IT!
  • Be clear, concise and consistent toward your goals.

We would like to thank Jodi for taking the time to speak with us and revealing some of her best business-building tips! Do you have questions for Jodi? Let us know in the comment box below!
