Motives® Spotlight: Monina Wright

There’s no better way to build your Motives® business than to learn from the very best in the industry, our Motives® Certified Trainers and Motives Beauty Advisors! This week, we have with us successful Motives® Certified Trainer and Executive Coordinator Monina Wright. Read on to find out how she’s succeeded in the industry!

What is your favorite part about working with a cosmetics line?

It allows me to continue offering my services as a professional makeup artist to my clients, but more importantly I can offer an amazing line of makeup to them now too.

What is your favorite Motives product?

There are so many, that’s a hard question to ask. But if I had to chose just one, it would be my Liquid Custom Blend Foundation. It’s the only foundation that can cover up all my acne scars and pigmentation issues.

What’s the best way to get someone who loves MAC or Smashbox to try Motives?

Conversion rate for me always goes up, no matter what line a person is using, once they try our products. Explaining that our pigmentation is the highest on the market entices them to try it out, and once they use the products they get hooked, which is what happened to me.

What is the benefit of attending a Motives training at World Conference or International Convention?

The Motives trainings at both conventions allows me and others in the field to touch and feel new products and to learn about all upcoming trends and direction Motives is taking to help us grow our businesses.

How influential have events like World Conference and International Convention been on your continued success?

Without IC or WC my business would have either come to a standstill, or completely died. Last IC was so pivotal, because I was the only one attending from my team. I was just going through the motions until 1 person from my team decided to take a leap of faith and attend with me. Once we came to IC we each had a “Magic Moment” and it gave us the kick start that we both needed to come back strong. This year we are returning with 10 people and have added 21 new businesses to our team since last IC. So if you say how important are these conferences, my answer would be its not Optional it’s Required to achieve SUCCESS in this business.

What is one mistake you made while building business, and what is your advice to others who want to avoid making the same mistake?

My biggest mistake was trying to innovate instead of duplicate. When you bring a new person on board it is so important, as their sponsor, to take that new person by the hand and show them “how to build” this business by utilizing the SYSTEM that MA has put in place. Get your new people to NDT and Basic 5 as soon as you possible to show them that using NMTSS and the system  is how they can truly leverage their time and grow their business way beyond anything they could do alone.

Can you share 3 tips with our readers for building their business during the holiday season?

A. Utilize the Trend shops as a way to convert your customers wish lists into a physical shopping list
B. Call all your friends who utilize Amazon and show them how they can get the same items on your Shop site and receive cash back to pay for all their holiday shopping.
C. Host a contest utilizing social media.

What is the one thing that the majority of Motives Beauty Advisors don’t do every day but should?

Social Media. It doesn’t matter how good you are as an artists or how long you’ve been in beauty, Without a presence online these days, it’s equivalent to having no credibility in this industry.

What is the biggest mistake that Motives Beauty Advisors make when using social media to build their business, and how can they avoid it?

Please don’t start looking like you are just spamming people. No one wants to feel “gotten”. Start a conversation and develop a rapport with people before pulling the trigger. You need to be sure that this person is even a good fit for you and your team. It’s about maintaining posture. And creating a rapport helps you explain why them, and it helps them to see why did she contact me. As Lisa Kostka always says: “People wear 2 signs on their foreheads.” Make me feel important and what’s in it for me. Keep this in mind before prospecting them online.

What advice do you have for people who are just starting to build their business with Motives cosmetics? 

Follow your sponsor’s lead. Utilize them and the system as much as you can so you can start to duplicate by leveraging your sponsor and your entire team. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, you are in business for yourself but not by yourself.

We would like to thank Monina for taking the time to speak with us and revealing some of her business building tips and expertise! Do you have any questions for Monina? Let us know in the comment box below!
