Motives® Spotlight: Tiffiny Luong

Learning from the experience of other Motives® Certified Trainers and Motives® Beauty Advisors is a great way to build your Motives business, so we created a brand new blog feature that will help you do just that! This week, we have with us successful Motives® Certified Trainer Tiffiny Luong. Read on to find out how she’s succeeded in the industry!

What is your favorite part about working with Motives® Cosmetics?

My favorite part about working with Motives® Cosmetics is that it allows me to easily talk to any women and connect because makeup is just like candy. Just like everyone loves candy, everyone loves makeup. You can change any and every woman with just a simple lipstick! I also love it because I can make myself look good while empowering others to do the same!

What are your favorite Motives® products?

My favorite Motives® products are Custom Blend Liquid Foundation and Powder because they are very powerful products that you can use to build your Motives® business.
1. Mineral botanical base
2. No competition
3. High retail profit 200- 300%
4. High return customer
5. Easy duplication
6. Team bonding
7. Easy host event
8.Beauty for all shades
9. Great tool for recruit
10. Professional products!

What is YOUR favorite feature you always share with your customer?

My favorite feature on that I always share with my customer is the “Learn” tab! I always post on social media or email my customers new looks with products and I also use it all the time to learn and create different styles at events. For example, I click on the smokey eye picture under the “Learn” tab to create the look and I copy and paste the look on an email or post on my social media site. This is my favorite tool to share with my team! I love it.

Sometimes figuring out where to start can be the most challenging part when it comes to achieving our goals. Can you name three small things that a Motives® Beauty Advisor can do every single day to move them closer to their goals?

1. Be a product of the product.
2. Learn about 3 products a day then share what you learned with 10 different people.
3. Go from event to event. No events = no business.

Can you share 3 ways social media has impacted the growth and success of your business?

1. I post 1 product from Motives® website on my Facebook page and it has helped me gained a new customer everyday.
2. I repost looks from the Motives® instagram and it has helped me create different makeup workshops, host incredible retail events and gain potential new partners.
3. I use a lots of social media tool to promote products or events every single day. I have many customers and so many new partners from social media!

What advice do you have for people who are just starting to build their business with Motives® cosmetics?

First off, congratulation! You need to attend a Motives® training in your area and setup your first event with your senior partner. You should study 3 products a week, order them and use them to help you become a product of the product and believe in the brand! You should also print out 10  face chart everyday and (ask for help) to fill them out from people you know or don’t know for survey so you can understand what they are using for their makeup everyday. That is the best way to create your name list and easy way to  practice to prospect customer and partner!! This is how I build my successful business: just asking for help!

We would like to thank Tiffiny for taking the time to speak with us and revealing some of her best business-building tips! Do you have questions for Tiffiny? Let us know in the comment box below!
