Motives® Spotlight: Trisha Williams

Learning from the experience of other Motives® Certified Trainers and Motives® Beauty Advisors is a great way to build your Motives® business so we have created a weekly Motives® spotlight to feature some of the best in the business! This week, we have with us successful Motives® Certified Trainer and Professional Coordinator Trisha Williams. Read on to find out how she’s succeeded in the industry!

What is your favorite part about working with a cosmetics line?

As a Salon specialist in the field I love the fact that Motives is a cosmetic line that offers something for everyone. Through customized products I can achieve exactly what I am looking for as a make-up artist, as well as what my clients are looking for on a daily basis.

What is your favorite Motives® product?

Definitely the Custom Blend!  I blend everything because we can!  clients come to me because they can get exactly what they want and even blend it themselves to perfection. Do they want the perfect foundation powder to liquid, we can do that. How about that perfect color mineral eyeshadow with a little touch of glitter, we can do that. Or my favorite take your favorite lip shine and add your tone of color/shimmer! Our options are endless.

What is the benefit of attending a Motives® training at World Conference or International Convention? 

Continuing education is a must in any field. By attending the trainings for the product itself as well is for the business. As a business owner I strive to have the knowledge I need to be successful in all aspects of the business, which leads to duplication towards the future.

What is one mistake you made while building business, and what is your advice to others who want to avoid making the same mistake? 

I think the biggest mistake, as well as the easiest mistake, people make is making it to hard and complicated! The Motives® line is huge and most want to be the product expert of every product, instead of choosing 5 of their favorites by which they have a passion for. Anything in the Beauty industry is built on exposing what you have or do as well as building trust on a personal level with your client. Once trust is built and you can offer them something they love, you will have a client for life. So my biggest suggestion is to be a friend first by building trust, then expose the product. We have the number one product on the market and it will sell itself!

Can you share with u some of your best recruiting tips? 

Be a product of the product! Your passion for your favorite products will draw people to know more. I am a big one on retail to recruit. Also exposing the business side of what we have. I love the fact that I work with the most amazing product out there, but ultimately I like to be able to be home with my kiddo’s and get paid for it when I am not doing make-up or working in the salon. Our business is what sets us apart from any other cosmetic company out there, along with the amazing tools and websites that go with that!

Sometimes figuring out where to start can be the most challenging part when it comes to achieving our goals. Can you name three small things that a Motives® Beauty Advisor can do every single day to move them closer to their goals? 

First off having a defined goal for expanding your business, product sales, and personal goals and why. Knowing “WHY” we are doing any business is a must to get you through the ups and downs of life. Dig deep find your true WHY, pick 5 of your favorite products that you can’t live without and expose those, and always be a friend maker. At the end of the day you will have a new friend, client, or business partner!  All 3 are perfect for moving forward and achieving your goals.

What advice do you have for people who are just starting to build their business with Motives® cosmetics? 

My biggest advice when starting is to be a product of the product and get the education and knowledge you need to be successful. The product will sell itself if it is exposed for everyone to try, but we have to educate ourselves on why Motives is different.  We have the solution for everyone, its our job to be educated enough to give them exactly what they need!

We would like to thank Trisha for taking the time to speak with us briefly and revealing some of her business building tips and expertise! Do you have any questions for Trisha? Let us know in the comment box below!
