New Year New Skincare Journey

There are 15 days left of 2021! It is time to look back at your skincare journey this past year. What products did you try? Which ones did you love, and which ones did you not love? A new year means a fresh start to your skincare journey. You have tried and seen which products work best for your skin, OR you are finally ready to commit to a skincare regimen. We are so proud of YOU! Let’s get started on how you and your customers can get your skincare ready for the new year.

Clean Out Your 2021 Skincare

The year is about to end, products you purchased more than 6 months ago are expiring which can do damage to your skin. Check expiration dates and discard what is no longer fresh! Once you let go of the old, you have made room for the new. Not only for skincare but in your life! 

Take the Custom Skin Quiz

Throughout your skincare journey, your skin goals will change. One year may be focused on clearing and brightening, and the next smoothing fine line and wrinkles. Make it a thing to check in with yourself and customers using our Custom Skin Quiz. This can help you figure out what new products to try and which products to restock on…

Take the Custom Quiz Quiz: here

Restock On Your Favorites

Once you have taken the Custom Skin Quiz, you will be able to see what products you have been using benefit your current skin goals. You can also restock on your favorites that really helped your skin thrive this past year. Of course, do your research and see what products cannot be used together so that you do not damage your skin.

Shop Now: here

Ease Your Way Into Your New Regimen

Our skincare products are designed to promote the natural healing process of all skin types. With the highest-quality natural ingredients and powerful formulas that help heal, soothe, moisturize and protect. It is important to ease your way into new products you are incorporating, especially when dealing with sensitive skin. Start using the new product(s) one a week and work your way up to using it every day. 

Have a happy new year!
