Product Spotlight: Four Things to Love About Fixx™!

Spring is in the air! Can you feel it? We can, and we can see it, too! The warmer temps are drying out our skin and frizzing up our hair. We can’t remember if we love or loath this season. We have a sneaky feeling you may know a few friends with similar plights, which makes spring time the perfect time to pump up your Fixx™ sales!

Fixx Solutions is a revolutionary system that incorporates the most advanced cosmetic technology and ingredients that ‘fixx’ common beauty problems you face. Here are our four favorite things about the Fixx line!

It’s made for both men & women! Cosmetic advertising often fails to mention that men suffer from many of the same issues as women, and Fixx bridges the gap. The enhanced natural ingredients in Fixx target major issues across the board, making it available for anyone looking for a ‘fixx.’ Be the first of your peers to have your hands on a revolutionary product that works for both men and women!

It’s stylish and sizable. The compact, chic black tubes fit perfectly in your purse or briefcase. If you haven’t picked up on the pun yet, Fixx is meant to be a fix to cosmetic emergencies. Emergencies happen when you’re on the go, not at home, so transportation is key!

Argan Oil! Certain products in the Fixx line include argan oil. Argan Oil is hot on the beauty market right now, and for good reason! Argan Oil is made of nutrients and natural ingredients that give your hair a rich, smooth shine to outlast the most brutal spring humidity. If your spring includes hair that loses control the moment it sees the light of day, you’ll find that argan oil is your new best friend.

Fixx fixes everything! Okay, well, maybe not EVERYTHING, but for the check up from the neck up, Fixx has you covered. The full Fixx line includes skin care, cosmetic enhancers, and hairstyle solutions. With such well-rounded solutions, Fixx earns its reputation as a trusted brand, attending to the details and providing real results.

Do your customers love Fixx? What are you favorite things about Fixx? Tell us in the comments below!
