5 Questions with Anthony Akers

Anthony AkersMany of you may know Anthony Akers as JR’s right hand man on stage, but he’s really a man of many hats. He started in 2000 as Market America’s Events Director – a role which quickly expanded to include areas such as Multi-Media, Creative Services, Public Relations, and Travel. In 2005 he was appointed Vice President of Communications. Prior to coming on board with corporate, Anthony spent five years as a distributor – an experience that provided him a unique perspective. We sat down with Anthony to find out more about his role with Market America:

What is it like to be on stage with JR during the skits at International Conventions and World Conferences?

Well, most of the time, I’m trying to hide from the camera until it’s time for the skit and sometimes the wait can feel like forever!  JR has so much amazing content in his presentations.  He often elaborates more on a point than I expect so I end up going on stage for a skit way too early and end up hiding behind a table or something.  Due to my participation in JR’s skits (especially the beans and nuts demo), I’ve earned the unofficial title VP of Beans and Nuts.  You know, I kind of like that title. It says so much!

How did you first meet JR and Loren?

Marc Ashley, Joe Bolyard, Loren Ridinger and I actually go back to our youth together.  We grew up, went to school and generally hung out together.  We certainly have all the typical stories of childhood adventure to tell. Well, one day I’m sure there will be a book so I guess I’ll save it till then.

With such a busy schedule, how do you relax and unwind? What are your Hobbies?

I actually enjoy the work that we do at Market America, so in some ways, work is a hobby as well as a vocation.  I do enjoy hanging out with my family, riding dirt bikes with my kids, camping, hiking, playing football in the front yard, chillin’ with friends and participating in activities with my church family.

Is there something you look forward to each day?

What makes it exciting to get out of bed each morning is the fact that no two days are the same at Market America.  Every day there are new challenges, new opportunities, new ideas and new ways of doing things.  Being part of making things happen and helping provide a means by which thousands of people improve their lives is incredibly fulfilling.

What has been your biggest challenge so far?

The biggest challenge is actually the best thing about the company as a whole.  There are so many amazing projects going on at all times. Improvements to our web platforms, enhancements in our marketing efforts, multi-media initiatives, new events and many ‘tried and true’ events can happen all at the same time.  PR opportunities and completely new projects like the social streaming phenomenon, MeetOn.com that will drive huge traffic to Shop Consultant’s portals. It’s almost impossible to get everything done as quickly as I want to.  We are constantly pushing on all fronts, which makes for an amazingly exciting work environment.
