A Day in the Life: Emily and Adam Bryers

No two UnFranchise® Owners are alike, and neither are their daily lives! If you’ve ever wondered how other UnFranchise Owners spend their time, when they build their business, or which activities they choose to enjoy in their free time, you’re in luck! Today, we’re sharing what a day in the life of Emily and Adam Bryers is like. Read on to find out how Emily and Adam spend their days building their business and enjoying life as entrepreneurs.

“We start our mornings by drinking our Isotonix and listening to audios. Hands down, audios changed our minds from thinking like an employee to business owner. Listening to people who have already accomplished your goals is a no brainer; just follow what they do. We cook while listening to an audio and then we have our daily meeting.  Adam and I sit down to breakfast every morning and talk about the things we have going on that day. Since he still works as a teacher and I stay at home, some days we’re like passing ships. Our goal is to also replace his income with income from our SHOP.COM business so we are both full steam ahead! Discussing the actions, appointments, and follow ups we have scheduled helps us stay on task; we have to “mind” our business.

Emily and Adam enjoy hiking on a day off!

One of the biggest differences between SHOP.COM and working a 9-5 job for me is the passion. I’m excited to start my day, meet new people, help someone launch their business, every day is different. That’s exciting to me. You never know who you’re going to run into who is looking for something we have! Five years ago when we started our business we were told, “If you’re not having fun, you’re doing something wrong.” We have fun everyday, not just once a year at the company picnic. 🙂 Our motto is, “We’re just looking for more people that belong at this party!”

Emily and Adam enjoying time with business partners

Every day is different, but at some point during the day I always show the business plan, whether it’s for me or a new business partner. Our goal is to be in a plan-showing environment at least 5 times a week.  Adding two names to our names list is a constant daily goal, and to do this you have to get out of the house. Lately, I have been going to the local library to meet moms who take their kids to classes or attend mom’s groups. Our 16 month old has introduced us to a whole new world of people and it’s been really fun meeting new friends. It’s amazing how many new parents feel the same way, that they wished, “They didn’t have to work as much,” or, “Didn’t have to go back to work,” and the conversation begins……

Adam shares our health and nutrition products

Since we own a digital business we’re always open, so we’re always working. When we go to the gym, when we go hiking, when we go to doctor’s appointments there are opportunities, the question is, “Will we let people know about what we have?!” If our mouths are closed so is our business. Social media has been a great way to build a relationship with the new people we meet. I always immediately ask new friends if they are on social media, pull out my phone, and connect with them right there.

Emily and Adam enjoy some time off with their business partners!

Nighttime is when we get to connect with people that cannot build this business during the day. We hold team trainings, retail events, do home business presentations, attend NMTSS events. This business is our main focus so we can buy back Adam’s time. There are times when it would be easier to stay home, but one thing Adam and I always say to encourage each other is, “Director’s don’t stay home.”  We’ve met some of our greatest friends and business partners on nights it would have been easier to stay home.  Three to four nights a week one of us is out of the house.  Adam specializes in our TLS program and helps to implement the program into Physical Therapy practices, companies, and currently even a grocery store. We’ve been able to build our customer base and business through TLS. I focus more in “field development” and love spending nights doing home business presentations for new partners.

Being in control of my day and how I spend my time is a priceless feeling. Some days are pure craziness but we like it that way; we created it! At the end of the day, the more people we help reach their goals, the sooner we reach ours and that’s just beautiful.”
