Black Friday: In Stores vs. SHOP.COM

The Friday after Thanksgiving is notoriously stressful. Whether you’re shopping for someone else or picking up an essential for yourself, making purchases in person means subjecting yourself to the long lines, hectic crowds, and general misery of Black Friday shopping. You might score some savings in stores, but why go through the hassle when you can get even better deals on SHOP.COM?

If you’re wondering how to share the benefits of online shopping with potential customers (or stubborn customers who just seem to love shopping in stores), consider these points. Pick out the comparison that suits your audience best, and get them thinking about how much better click-and-order is than brick-and-mortar!



It doesn’t matter how you plan out your shopping day. Shopping in-stores on Black Friday means waiting. Waiting to get in stores, waiting to grab the right product, and waiting in long lines. Is the time you’re investing waiting really worth the money you’re saving? We don’t think so – especially when you can save even more on SHOP.COM! Shopping online means no waiting – just pick, click and check out!


Big bags and overloaded shopping carts are your constant companions when it comes to in-store shopping. Carrying around heavy loads can weigh down your day and leave you exhausted. Thanksgiving can be stressful enough with travel and cooking – so why make the weekend more tense by lugging big-ticket items around in a store? With SHOP.COM, you can get even large items delivered right to your door. No carrying required!


In movies and on TV, holiday shopping can look appealing. Stores might be decked in holiday colors, with festive tunes playing over the sound system. In reality, this weekend stores are jam-packed with irritated consumers. Everyone is competing for the products they need to ring in the holidays. You can skip the press of people (and shop in your PJs!) on SHOP.COM. Instead of waiting in a crowd of people for store doors to open, you can sip your morning coffee and select your items with ease.

Sold Out Specials:

It must have happened to you before. You do your research in advance. You pick out the perfect product. On the day of the sale, you rush to the store only to discover your ideal item is completely sold out! Online retailers aren’t limited to the confines of small multi-product brick and mortar stores. You also aren’t limited to the supplies of just one store! SHOP.COM lets you search for exactly the right product – and will show you the retailers that provide it. Don’t be heartbroken by sold-out deals – get what you want with just a few clicks on SHOP.COM.


]Have you ever gone out shopping on the weekend after Thanksgiving, only to discover the savings don’t seem to be worth it? With SHOP.COM, you can pick out the best deals right from the Hot Deals page. Not only that – ShopBuddy lets you shop on all of our Partner Stores without you missing out on business volume or Cashback! Speaking of Cashback – what better way is there to save than getting paid to shop? Your customers have items they need to buy. Simply by shopping on SHOP.COM, they can earn Cashback on every qualifying purchase. So, they’re earning on top of the great savings and Hot Deals they’re already getting! And RIGHT NOW, through Monday Nov. 26, you can earn an unheard of TRIPLE Cashback!

What’s your favorite thing about shopping for the holidays online? Tell us!
